
— OUTDATED since anno 2000

:: about

In der ‘out-of-the-box’ Konfiguration werden nur die benoetigsten Programme und Libaries heruntergeladen und Installiert. Nach bedarf kann man das im Script anpassen.
Es werden nicht mehr die ‘root’ Rechte benoetigt um e17 zu Installieren. Zudem kann man einen individuelen Prefix angeben, der gespeichert wird und beim naechsten Updaten benutzt wird. Seit der Version 0.9 kann man zwischen 3 verschiedenen Profilen auswaehlen “normal, full, efl, stable and modules”, diese beinhalten verschiedene Programme. Das profil “stable” benutzt die Packete von freedesktop.org. Diese Packete sind relativ stabil und auf einander abgestimmt (sie sind nicht als stable von den e17 developers gekennzeichnet)

:: howto

You only have to do some simple steps to get your new e17 running. Download the e17install from here and save it into a directory of your choice (e.g. your home directory)
Fire up a Terminalemulator of your choice. (e.g. Konsole, gnome-terminal, xterm or Eterm)

Change your login to root:
steffen@linux: ~> suchange to the directory where you saved the script and decompress it:
root@linux: ~> cd /path/to/e17install
root@linux: ~> tar xvzf e17install-0.9.3d.tar.gzcd into the newly created subdirectory:
root@linux: ~> cd e17install-0.9.3d/now you can start the e17install by typing:
root@linux: ~> sh ./e17install.sh

:: download


:: changelog

e17install 0.9.3d Changelog

:: version-0.9.3d — (20.08.2006)
etox removed ( This software is dead )

:: version-0.9.3c — (23.04.2006)
cvs server from enlightenment.org added (very fast)
AMD64 check and build automatic *TRY OUT*

:: version-0.9.3b — (16.02.2006)
a e17genmenu fix
wget tries changed to 10 tries

:: version-0.9.3a — (13.02.2006)
changed e17genmenu to cvs server
some small minor fixes
module “emu” added

:: version-0.9.3
stable releases of http://enlightenment.freedesktop.org/ addded. With finger service you download always automaticly the newest release [ I say it is stable, but it is not stable, Okay? ]

:: version-0.9.2
cvs server rotation between “original” and a mirror. (You know more mirrors? Let me know it)

:: version-0.9.1
modules added (+ error if install modules as root)
full install profile changed some programs
improove menu errors

:: version-0.9
profile chooser
-minimal – Minimal e17 install (Standard)
-all – All e17 programs will be installed (Very high error facility) *BETA*
-efl – EfL Programm Depends
e17genmenu addded
nolisten tcp added to start script (for X11)
options added (./e17install –help)

:: version-0.8
redesigning source code
adding minimal programs of e17
download only recommended source code

:: version-0.7c
fix broken variables

:: version-0.7b
changed code to better changing programs

:: version-0.7a
check for programs, cvs, type, make, dialog

:: version-0.7
Prefix added. You can choose the install directory!
Remember of last Prefix and detect the source and install directory
root privileges not more recommended

:: version-0.6a
iconbar removed

:: version-0.6
removed “e_modules”. A lot of user has problems with flame, …

:: version-0.5
dialog interface

:: version-0.4
minor fixes
check if enlighenment compiled correctly
Error log

:: version-0.3
cvs login automatically [thanks to JDieskau]

:: version-0.2
test if cvs is aviable

:: version-0.1

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